### 4.1 - Added keyboard navigation - Added WAI-ARIA support - Added High-contrast themes - Updated Auto Scheduling and Critical Path calculations (PRO version) - Performance improvements for worktime calculation and timescale rendering - Croatian locale added - Turkish locale updated - Fixed bug redrawing vertical markers using gantt.updateMarker - Fixed bug with gantt.showTask error in smart rendering mode - Bugfixes for skip_off_time config and multi-tier scales configurations - Bugfixes with dataProcessor and REST mode support ### 4.0 - Added Smart rendering of big data sets feature - Added Undo/Redo feature - Public API improvements - public helpers for popups, ajax, environment variables - Public API cleanup - remove redundant global objects, resolve conflicts with dhtmlxSuite - Updated critical path calculation - add support for lag/lead of links - Updated Spanish and Chinese locales - Minor bugfixes ### 3.3 - Added dependency Auto Scheduling feature * - Added support for Fullscreen mode - Added support of unscheduled tasks - Added initial support of Content Security Policy - Allow specifying per column grid sorting settings - Improved branch ordering feature - allow D'n'D between levels - Support of REST mode for ajax loading/saving - Support of backward planning * The marked functionality requires Commercial or Enterprise license, and not provided under GPL ### 3.2 - Added ability to group tasks by custom properties - Added multiple selection - Added export to iCal and to Excel - Added public events for managing tasks reordering in a grid - Added ability to specify time range in year selector - Major performance improvement of worktime and critical path calculations - New samples and API events ### 3.1 - Added ability to drag tasks on touch devices - Incorrect tooltip behavior on expand/collapse task tree fixed - Order of API events during gantt initialization fixed - Issues with markers and multiple initialization of the gantt fixed - Issues with markers and gantt.clearAll fixed - Issues with gantt.serialize method and nested projects of gantt tree fixed - Fixes in French locale - Improvements in time range calculation ### 3.0 - Support of Baselines, Deadlines and other custom elements of the timeline * - Critical path support * - Ability to display vertical lines in a timeline area (Today line, Status line, etc.) - Ability to resize Grid by D'n'D, ability to hide/show columns dynamically * - Simplified API for coloring tasks and links * - New performance-related options - dynamic loading and simple background rendering * - Extended configuration for managing 'readonly' state of the tasks - Extended set of methods for managing task tree hierarchy - Support of task types and ability to skip time from the scale was removed from a Free version of the component * The marked functionality requires Commercial or Enterprise license, and not provided under GPL ### 2.1 - Milestone and Projects support - Custom configuration of the lightbox for different task types - Non-linear scales, ability to skip time from the scale - Ability to calculate duration in work days/hours instead of calendar time - Support of multiple gantts on the page (requires PRO version) - Updated some localisations - Added more configurations and API methods events - Various bugfixes ### 2.0 - jQuery integration - Major performance improvements - Ready-to-use PHP integration - Configurable multi-line scales - Configurable multi-column grid with optional sorting and Drag-n-Drop - Configurable popup form for editing tasks - All text elements can be defined through templates - All date strings can be configured - All text labels can be localized - Default skin changed to "terrace" - 3 new skins - Bars can have an optional inner resizer - Optional UI for task creation - Vertical and horizontal lines can be colored based on custom rules - Loading and serialization from JSON - Loading and serialization with the simplified XML format - 3 types of task linking - Gantt charts work on touch devices - A LOT of events added - Templates and configuration options added - API simplified, it uses a single gantt object instead of a bunch of different objects